This was a bit of a funny page, since there’s literally no light source in the first few panels – I realised I had to either do the complete cop out of pure black (with optional googly eyes) or figure out how on earth one paints the concept of Eigengrau. German has a word for everything, I swear. So I gave the Eigengrau a shot, whether it worked out or not is up for debate… but, I did try. On a related note, while “researching” this page I sat in the dark in my room for about fifteen minutes to get a proper sense of it, only to be forcefully reminded upon turning the lights back of my ridiculous photic sneeze reflex. I was sneezing on and off for like half an hour. THE THINGS I DO FOR THIS COMIC
Oh. Oh well! Next scene.
Tomorrow is the last day to donate to the CCA, so if you’ve been delaying this is pretty much the last chance! Come onnn.
Firstly, and most importantly, you might recall last year that myself and a lot of other webcomic creators donated a piece of art towards a charity initiative, the Comic Creators Alliance in order to raise money for charities that are trying to prevent human trafficking. The CCA is running again this year, and you get a bitching wallpaper if you donate:
Adrianna is in there somewhere, looking moderately confused, but what else is new? It’s a good cause, folks, so I really hope you’ll consider donating.
Finally the first proper update of the new year. Monday was a bit of a disaster, since I didn’t have a working computer I could actually draw the page on until Wednesday. I’ve been working on this page since the new computer got up and running yesterday afternoon. It turned out to be a real bitch though, since technical objects like trains are really not my forté, and I ended hurting my wrist a bit trying to get this done in a timely fashion. On the plus side the new computer is completely amazing and made the whole process much, much easier than it would have been. My old wireless card doesn’t work under Windows 7 so it has no internet just yet, but otherwise I am so pleased. Hopefully all these technology induced page delays are a thing of the past now. Fingers crossed. D: