Collection: Part Two: Sandswept
Hey guys! The good news is I’m not dead, and the further good news is that I’ve seen a physiotherapist about my back and it seems like it’s a fixable, posture-related issue, rather than something much more chronic, which was my concern for quite a while. I’m currently stretching the wonkiness away, and it seems to be working.
I still don’t have a date for when updates will resume, but they will resume. I’m slowly getting used to working at the computer again, and I’ve been doing a bunch of writing and others bits and bobs for RMR during all of this downtime, so I should be able to hit the ground running!
In the meantime, this wonderful piece of art was provided by my very talented friend Matt Davis. Thanks, Matt. 🙂
Hey guys, sorry for missing the previous update, and sorry to say there probably won’t be an update this week either. I’ve done something or other to my lower back and I haven’t been able to sit at my computer for at least a week now, which is obviously problematic in terms of drawing a digital comic.
I’ve got a doctor’s appointment soon, but in the meantime thanks for bearing with me. I know there have been a lot of stops and starts with this comic, particularly over the last couple of years (this one is especially rubbish considering today is my birthday, dammit) but I’m still committed to making this story happen, even if my body isn’t entirely as on board as I am. 🙂 New pages soon, hopefully!