In which Adrianna inadvertently gets hit by one of the oldest tropes in the book. And that is some terrible fire safety right there, let me tell you.

Whoo, backgrounds! This page was good fun. I’m having a go at inking backgrounds and I think it makes creating solid environments a bit easier. I tend to leave things a bit foggy and wishy-washy when I only paint the backgrounds. Here’s the inks for today’s page for any interested parties. Yeahhh, check out those god damn crates you guys

Also, my buddy Drew finally made a reality of the obvious crossover that is Red Moon Rising and Futurama. Fire INDEED hot.

Also also, there’s a new vote incentive! For propers! It’s an inked section of one of the wallpapers I’m working on right now, featuring Renshou (who shall be popping up again in the story very soon).

In which Bracken channels Spike Spiegel, and Samara still doesn’t like guns very much. I keep thinking I have news and then drawing a blank for the news post. Oh well. It’ll come to me. Edit: Just remembered I didn’t actually have news at all, but I did want to complain about having to draw so many stupid hands in one page. GOD THIS IS A TERRIBLE NEWS POST* *Note from the future: This is definitely a terrible news post. Also, what is up with Bracken’s fingers in that second panel? They’re like crazy long alien fingers. I must have gone a bit mad from drawing too many hands.
The end! Just kidding, just kidding. I may be a jerk, but I wouldn’t do that. At least, not yet. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus. It wasn’t planned but it was fairly necessary and I would definitely do it again. Not to be a cryptic douche, but I’m leaving it at that. Updates as normal now though, for propers this time. In other news, I received this super neat piece of fanart while I was away, courtesy of Nicholas Burke of the webcomic Dream Against the World. I like how effectively it shows off most of Adrianna’s primary character traits (squirrel jumping, smoking, and being deliberately obtuse). Thanks Nicholas. 😀 Aussi! Pour tous le francophones il y a maintenant le début d’une traduction en français, grâce aux gens de Vieux Croutons! Je pense que Red Moon Rising peut être mieux en français. 🙂 Et pardon de mon (trés, trés…) mauvais français, je suis encore à apprendre.
Still settling back into the ol’ Monday-Thursday (as may have been obvious from Thursday’s absence) – bloo bloo bloo, comics are hard, and so on. Should be ok now, though, getting back into the swing of things. Also oh goodness whatever could this be
I’m usually a bit loathe to blatantly advertise things down here in my newsbox, but I really like Eariee. It’s a prose-illustration-not-quite-a-webcomic hybrid by Kristina Waterman and Julia Davis (who you might recall did that smashing filler art for me while I was ill). It’s setting up to be a fascinating jaunt through dystopian London, and I think the quality of the art and writing speaks for itself, so you guys should give it a look!