You may recall Adrianna’s excellent poker face from prior instances in the comic. Sorry about the lateness, the page had to sit uncoloured for nearly a day while I dealt with grown up things like resigning my lease, filling in forms, and also occasionally eating. Being an adult sucks.
This was a bit of a funny page, since there’s literally no light source in the first few panels – I realised I had to either do the complete cop out of pure black (with optional googly eyes) or figure out how on earth one paints the concept of Eigengrau. German has a word for everything, I swear. So I gave the Eigengrau a shot, whether it worked out or not is up for debate… but, I did try. On a related note, while “researching” this page I sat in the dark in my room for about fifteen minutes to get a proper sense of it, only to be forcefully reminded upon turning the lights back of my ridiculous photic sneeze reflex. I was sneezing on and off for like half an hour. THE THINGS I DO FOR THIS COMIC