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The end! Just kidding, just kidding. I may be a jerk, but I wouldn’t do that. At least, not yet.
Sorry for the unannounced hiatus. It wasn’t planned but it was fairly necessary and I would definitely do it again. Not to be a cryptic douche, but I’m leaving it at that. Updates as normal now though, for propers this time.
In other news, I received this super neat piece of fanart while I was away, courtesy of Nicholas Burke of the webcomic Dream Against the World . I like how effectively it shows off most of Adrianna’s primary character traits (squirrel jumping, smoking, and being deliberately obtuse). Thanks Nicholas. 😀
Aussi! Pour tous le francophones il y a maintenant le début d’une traduction en français , grâce aux gens de Vieux Croutons ! Je pense que Red Moon Rising peut être mieux en français. 🙂 Et pardon de mon (trés, trés…) mauvais français, je suis encore à apprendre.
Had a bit of a strange weekend where I think I was either asleep or in some sort of sleep-deprived delirium for most of it. I don’t even take drugs, so this seems a bit unfair in terms of work time lost, but oh well. This page also took a while since I had to sink a lot of time into watching parkour videos to make sure this part of the scene didn’t end up looking farcical. Farcical in the same way someone with, say, a manhole cover balanced on their head might look.
Anyway, unfortunately there’s only going to be two updates this week (as there were last week, the astute among you may have noticed) and updates will be a bit spotty for the next two weeks since, as I mentioned in the post last update, I will be entertaining a special visitor from overseas. On the plus side, not a single person has told me off for being a disorganised lazy jerk yet – thanks for being understanding, guys. 🙂
Everyone who was waiting for punching, tough luck . You’ll have to settle for a good ol’ Glasgow kiss, as we say around here. One of the first comic pages I actually drew (way back in 2007 now) was of a guy getting headbutted, so this was sort of interesting to draw as a bit of a nostalgia trip. And this time round it looks way better, which is always a plus.
As a small heads up: I’m trying to build a buffer right now and spectacularly failing (this is Wednesday’s update, posted on Thursday night, herp derp) since in about a week my boyfriend is visiting from New Zealand and dammit, I don’t want to have to spend most of my time drawing while he’s here.
Normally I wouldn’t blether about this sort of thing here, but if it comes down to it I may have to slow down or stop updates for the two weeks he’s in Scotland. I usually prioritise the comic quite highly in my life, but we only get to see each other every six months or so, and some things are just more important. Sorry, guys.
(Edit: Secretly changed the page so no one else thinks this is Galak. I design characters gud.)
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