The end! Just kidding, just kidding. I may be a jerk, but I wouldn’t do that. At least, not yet. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus. It wasn’t planned but it was fairly necessary and I would definitely do it again. Not to be a cryptic douche, but I’m leaving it at that. Updates as normal now though, for propers this time. In other news, I received this super neat piece of fanart while I was away, courtesy of Nicholas Burke of the webcomic Dream Against the World. I like how effectively it shows off most of Adrianna’s primary character traits (squirrel jumping, smoking, and being deliberately obtuse). Thanks Nicholas. 😀 Aussi! Pour tous le francophones il y a maintenant le début d’une traduction en français, grâce aux gens de Vieux Croutons! Je pense que Red Moon Rising peut être mieux en français. 🙂 Et pardon de mon (trés, trés…) mauvais français, je suis encore à apprendre.
Still settling back into the ol’ Monday-Thursday (as may have been obvious from Thursday’s absence) – bloo bloo bloo, comics are hard, and so on. Should be ok now, though, getting back into the swing of things. Also oh goodness whatever could this be
I’m usually a bit loathe to blatantly advertise things down here in my newsbox, but I really like Eariee. It’s a prose-illustration-not-quite-a-webcomic hybrid by Kristina Waterman and Julia Davis (who you might recall did that smashing filler art for me while I was ill). It’s setting up to be a fascinating jaunt through dystopian London, and I think the quality of the art and writing speaks for itself, so you guys should give it a look!