Sorry for missing last week’s update, headed up north for a wedding and got stuck in Inverness longer than I expected. Oh, elusive buffer. Some day you shall be mine.
Doof! Danil’s shield makes another appearance.
Ok! Some of you perceptive people may be wondering why last week’s page was numbered 266, while this week we’re up to 288. I did a bit of a reorganising of the first 100 pages of the comic for story clarity, and also added some new pages (maps and covers, not scenes) which has bumped the page count up. I’ve also added all the existing covers to the page count, so it’s more reflective of the actual number of pages. Anyway, a change log if you will: Added Main Cover Map of Ashul Map of Ashul City Chapter 2 Cover Map of Imara Map of Rishara Caan The story’s been condensed down into 14 chapters (from 15) so we’re on chapter 14 now. A lot of the news posts are still wonky (for example, talking about it being page 100 on what is now page 112) and I’ll be fixing those gradually. All filler and fanart has been removed from the archive, and fanart has been moved to the gallery. I’ll be adding covers for chapters 3, 4 and 5 soon, as well as city maps for Dakaia and Seras Daya. There are spots reserved in the archives for those and I’ve renumbered with that in mind, so pages 62, 63, 81, 97 and 158 are currently “missing”. I’ll also be changing the emblems on Ashul armbands to match the new design shown on the Ashul map. Phew. TL;DR: The comic’s better, now featuring more maps! If you were planning on going through the archive, now’s a great time to do it.