Speak up, Lethe.
Dee-Con was awesome! I met a few readers (special shout out to Jamie for being lovely) and
Dave Shirley who is super nice. But mainly I drew a lot of portraits. Oh man, so many portraits. They sort of swim in front of my vision when I close my eyes. Unfortunately, I didn’t really get any photos – I pretty much had to use the camera non-stop for taking pictures for portraits, and then drawing from for portraits. I am definitely charging more for portraits next year. Portraits portraits. Edit: Forgot to say, I did a relatively massive run of prints for the con and managed to pay them all off while still having loads left. While it does mean I’m all set if I want to go to another con, I was thinking of possibly selling some over the site. Thoughts?
The voice of reason.
Uff, sorry about the delay on this page. I wish I could blame it on the ridiculous unseasonable snowfall we just got, but mainly I’m just having trouble juggling everything plus con preparation. It’s a confusing new world for me, but hopefully it’ll work out in the end. As I said in the last post, I shall be at
Dee-Con this Saturday! If you stop by and mention you’re a reader I will totally give you a high five. Edit: Can confirm I’ll be selling prints at Dee-Con! I left the printing quite late so I wasn’t entirely sure, but I have them to hand now and probably won’t be selling them over the site, so… do show up! They came out pretty damn fine, if I do say so myself.
Surprise! Or, you know, not.
I just realised I should probably mention I’m going to have a table at
Dee-Con on April 7th! If you show up I will draw you things in exchange for money! Exclamation mark! I’ve never been to a con before, so I suspect this is going to fascinating/terrifying.
Things that are hard to draw: Architecture Reflections Water Perspective Architecture reflected in water at a wonky angle This is the most difficult thing I’ve painted since that damn airship from chapter 9. The worst part is that it’s all my fault. My secondary concept for this cover was Danil giving a thumbs up with a toothy grin, though, and I didn’t feel it had that… you know… je ne sais quoi. Though by this point I’ll just be pleased if the cover reads as anything at all.